Spring is a great time to start fresh. The air is crisper, the sun is brighter and I become optimisitic that anything can happen as I watch the beautiful flowers peek out from their winter slumber. So at this time I want to encourage our Carepartners to start something new for themselves. I know you are busy, I know that you have put yourself on the back burner for so long you don’t even remember what “me time” looks like but, today I challenge you to carve out some time to focus on you.
I’ve mentioned before that being a carepartner is a difficult and many time thankless job and that it is important to make sure you are taking care of your own health to ensure that you can care for your loved one. I feel it is so important to also take care of your mental health – something us as carepartners tend to move to the bottom of our never ending list.
Take a few moments now to list a few things that make you happy and no I don’t want to see caring for loved ones on this list! Choose one of the things on your list and make a commitment to yourself and to your loved ones to make time in your life for this activity. I personally enjoy reading a good book and make it a point to pick up the latest books from my favorite authors right away so I always have something to read when I need a break.
As the Nike ad says “Just Do It” I guarantee you will come back more energized than before and ready to take on any tasks your day holds with a lighter spirit.